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Our Purpose

(Why are we here?)

Grace Church is not alone in the city. We are still a relative newcomer (est. 2003) alongside 150+ other churches in North Staffordshire.

As we play our part and work in partnership with others in and around Stoke-on-Trent, we hope to see "THE CHURCH" (all of them) grow and bless our city in such a way that we can truly say we are “building CHURCH the city can’t do without”.

Our Values

(How DO we do things HERE?)

As a church that honours the bible and is led by the Holy Spirit, we are;


Welcoming you whoever you are, whatever your story


Real, with integrity; the same behind the scenes as in the spot light


Expecting great things from God; attempting great things for God


Taking responsibility for each other, and the unmet needs of society


Enjoying life and enjoying God together


Everyone has a role to play and can grow toward their potential


Making genuine friends, who encourage each other to put God first

Where are we headed? Click the link below to find out about our vision for 2025.