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What do Christians believe?

Less and less people have grown up with the opportunity to understand what Christians really believe. If that is true for you, or you have questions (even BIG questions!) why not try the Alpha course? It's a free, relaxed way to find out who Jesus is, why He died, why we pray, what a local church is all about, and much more. We run Alpha at least twice a year both online and in person, over a free meal together.

Watch the promo below and contact us to find when our next course is.

Our Statement of Beliefs

If you’re already a Christian and want to know a little more about our fundamental beliefs as a church; we subscribe to the Evangelical Alliance statement of faith which you can read more about on their website.

Got questions?

If you have any questions about what we believe, why not get in touch. We'll do our best to listen and understand your question, then answer (or be honest if we don't know!).