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Rachel and Nath

Rachel is our Church Treasurer, a Trustee and leads the GraceMoney team.

Nathan is one of our Trustees and also heads up our AV team.


Sandra is one of our Craft & Chat leaders

and serves on Hospitality and Pastoral teams.


Bob is one of our Trustees with responsibilities that

include the maintenance of our venue.

Sarah & Tom

Sarah & Tom lead a community group

and "Families Grown by Adoption"

(a support group for adoptive families).

Sarah also leads our Hospitality team and

Tom looks after everything I.T. related.


Nick heads up our Grace Students & Twenties ministry.

He is also a Trustee and one of two leaders for our Foodbank distribution centre.

Paul & Vicky

Paul & Vicky lead a community group together.

Vicky also leads worship.


Erik leads our GraceKids and GraceYouth team,

overseeing all our activities for

children aged 2-16 years old.

Paul & Ches

Paul & Ches lead a community group and head up our worship team together.

Paul is also part of the eldership team.


Becky is on staff as our church Administrator.

She brings her skills, passion and experience to help

so many processes behind the scene run smoothly.

Becky also serves on our GraceMoney and worship team.


Dave is one of two leaders for our Foodbank distribution centre

Jez & Bek

Jez & Bek lead a community group together.

Bek is our Chair or Trustees, heads up Open House, preaches and leads worship.

Jez is part of the eldership team, preaches and leads worship too.


Ginny helps to lead GraceMoney, Craft & Chat

and is also part of our Hospitality team.

Esther & Dave

Esther & Dave lead a community group together.

Dave also leads the eldership team and Esther also leads KidzPlay

(a stay and play session for

under 5s and their parents or carers).